Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair styling?

How and what would i use to style my hair like this.

Its already layered like that, its just really flat, my hair.


Hair styling?

There are a few things you could try;

1. use a styling product i.e. gel, mousse etc.

2. dry your hair with your head upside down, this will make all the hair stand out, remember not to do this with the fringe section if you are wanting it to be closer/flatter to the face.

3. to finish use a defining product to add texture and interest to the style, or

4. with your head upside down put spray on the hair all over and using your hairdryer blow the hair in the direction you want it to be in and it will be fairly sollidly fixed into place.

5. If you are still finding it difficult to get the lift you need put a little backcombing in at the roots.

Hope this information helps

Hair styling?

Talk to an expert but just so you know I HATE that sort of hair style

Hair styling?

the first thing you wanna do is gel it. if your hair is too thick or long for that, tease the hell out of it. just take maybe five sections of hair, pull them straight up, then comb down towards the root and pull out several times. when you've done all the strands, flip your head over and hairspray like crazy. then resume standing upright and brush your hair down with a natural bristle brush. voila!

Hair styling?

You need a professional hair stylist to do this but I think what you've done so far is good.

Hair styling?

you neet to use a flat iron to make it shattered like that at the ends, then run a pomade through it, redkin dirt works is a great product for styls like this it has a low shin and keeps hair in place, without being too thick of a product

Hair styling?

Seek professional help!

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